Native Hope Media Kit

About Native Hope

Native Hope is a non-profit organization that exists to empower a young generation of Native Americans through programs that provide education, protect at-risk youth, and honor cultural heritage. We are based in South Dakota, home of 9 Native American Indian reservations and where some of the highest poverty in our nation exists. We have a journey ahead of us and we will start right here in our own backyard with the Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota tribes of South Dakota.

  • We respect culture by offering support to mend issues on reservations and preserving the traditions of each tribe.
  • We take bold action to inspire success when addressing the difficulties Native American communities and individuals face.
  • We honor families by promoting a healthy lifestyle and a holistic healing for tiyospayes…for extended families.
  • We serve Native American peoples with a joyful spirit. We seek to act honorably and sensitively so a sense of wholeness is provided.
  • We will keep promises made to the Native American people and communities we serve.

A full 100% of public donations we receive goes directly to specific programs, including those managed by our partner organizations. We are able to do this because of the generous support of a founding partner who has committed to underwrite the overhead expenses of the organization—everything from salaries to computers to office supplies. This partner has strategically chosen to direct their funds in this way because they recognize the power of the 100% model—to give people the confidence that their donation will have a direct benefit on the lives of Native American youth.


About our Ambassador Program

Our Ambassador Program: Native Hope’s ambassadors are part of a growing number of young Native Americans who are finding their voice and are determined to make a change.

They are determined to change the way their culture is perceived. Determined to stand up for what’s right and protect their elders and young children. Determined to find a way to be a part of today’s society and still keep their Native American heritage alive. They come from a line of strong, courageous warriors who did everything in their power to carry on their traditions and way of life. If you are interested in one of our ambassadors speaking at your school, conference, forum, or other event, please contact us. 


Speaking engagements are available for:

  • Schools - elementary ages through college
  • Community Groups
  • Community Events
  • Forums
  • Churches
  • News Agencies

Scope of services:

  • Seminars
  • Forums
  • Workshops
  • Interviews 

Descriptions of speaking topics/issues:

At Risk Youth: (Issues include Sex Trafficking, Drug Abuse/Addiction, Domestic Abuse, Suicide Prevention) Teen suicide, domestic abuse, rape, and human trafficking are urgent issues plaguing Native American youth living on reservations. The truth can be unsettling, but it needs to be told. Most importantly, real people desperately need help.

Education: (Issues include Career planning, Mentorship) Native Hope views education as successfully graduating from high school and planning for a career. These Native American youth are leaders and mentors for the next generation. They know their culture and embrace it as part of who they are.

Native American Culture: (Issues include Diversity and Inclusion, Discrimination, Prejudice) For Native Americans, these things aren’t just parts of their lives; they form their identity. Language. Tradition. Ceremonies. Art. Family. Our goal is not just to see Native American culture preserved, but honored, embraced, and thriving. 



Julie Muldoon, Director of Native HopeJulie-opt-900x600.jpg

Julie offers Native Hope an array of experience in leading various teams. To make Native Hope a success, she knows we must shine light on the success of the Native American people to create possibilities for all. She is passionate about raising awareness for the prevention of sex trafficking of young Native girls and women. Julie wholeheartedly leads this unique nonprofit organization, partnering with others, to bring attention to Native American successes and struggles, while helping Native youth to reach their goals.



Robin.jpgRobin LeBeau, Native Hope Ambassador

Robyn is the Sexual Assault/Advocate Coordinator at Sacred Heart Center, one of Native Hope's partners. She believes the key to fulfilling Native Hope’s vision and the mission of the Sacred Heart’s Center to eradicate violence and oppressive practices is by equipping people with the necessary tools and resources to break the cycle. Read more about Robin on our blog.



If you are interested in one of our speakers visiting your community,

please contact us at (888) 999-2108 or fill out the form below.


Native Hope media:







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